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I run MalwareBytes every other day. Today I updated the data-base then ran the scan. When the scan finished MB said it found 705 pups, potentially unwanted programs, 705! Go to details and every file, registry entry, folder etc. that was Advanced System Care had been quarantined! HUH!! Say what!

I ran MB day before yesterday and it did not touch ASC. Now all of a sudden its on MB's hit list. Now I have to reinstall ASC and wonder...if I run MB again will it do the same thing? Suggestions... 

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 17, 2017

where did you get your copy of ASC?  Could it have an altered installer?

You can restore something from quarantine and whitelist it.

on Mar 17, 2017

MWB has decided it knows better than you what a 'wanted' program is, despite the subjectivity involved.  They've been doing the same thing with any Auslogics product for a while now, claiming that Auslogics has engaged in business practices that MWB disapproves of, and you wouldn't want products from companies that MWB disapproves of, would you?  Never mind that Auslogics is a Gold Microsoft Partner and rated 4.5 stars by C|Net (for what those are worth).

That was the gist of the response I got when I submitted a 'false positive identification' report to MWB when Premium version 3 started flagging Auslogics Disk Defrag as a PUP.  I'm sure it has nothing to do with Auslogics & IObit selling competing anti-malware products.  Couldn't be.

At least they make it relatively easy to whitelist things.

on Mar 17, 2017

I always go to Iobit for updates to its software. Now I know ASC can be white listed.

on Mar 18, 2017


MWB has decided it knows better than you what a 'wanted' program is, despite the subjectivity involved.  They've been doing the same thing with any Auslogics product for a while now, claiming that Auslogics has engaged in business practices that MWB disapproves of, and you wouldn't want products from companies that MWB disapproves of, would you?  Never mind that Auslogics is a Gold Microsoft Partner and rated 4.5 stars by C|Net (for what those are worth).

That was the gist of the response I got when I submitted a 'false positive identification' report to MWB when Premium version 3 started flagging Auslogics Disk Defrag as a PUP.  I'm sure it has nothing to do with Auslogics & IObit selling competing anti-malware products.  Couldn't be.

At least they make it relatively easy to whitelist things.

MalwareBytes AntiMalware does its job based on how it's configured.  By default PUPs and PUMs are treated as malware.  As a subscriber I want the company to aggressively determine what is and isn't a PUP and implement that in its signatures.  Anyone who prefers to have control over removal can change the default setting to "warn user".  I can't comment on Advanced System Care specifically, but there are a lot of "grey-ware" programs that have crossed the line and should be removed IMHO.  But, as you say, any application can be white-listed regardless.

on Mar 18, 2017


MWB has decided it knows better than you what a 'wanted' program is, despite the subjectivity involved.  They've been doing the same thing with any Auslogics product for a while now, claiming that Auslogics has engaged in business practices that MWB disapproves of, and you wouldn't want products from companies that MWB disapproves of, would you?  Never mind that Auslogics is a Gold Microsoft Partner and rated 4.5 stars by C|Net (for what those are worth).

And MS doesn't engage in undesirable business practices, as well? 

They all live in glass houses, my friend...and stones are all too available.

on Mar 18, 2017


And MS doesn't engage in undesirable business practices, as well?

Hence the '(for what those are worth).'

on Mar 18, 2017


As a subscriber I want the company to aggressively determine what is and isn't a PUP and implement that in its signatures.

Me, too, Vic.  The thing is MWB flags it not because the application itself is a problem or PUP (MWB admitted so in their response to me), but because Auslogics (allegedly) does what they consider to be 'shady' things elsewhere.  Maybe they should add a new category with the acronym PUC for Potentially Unwanted Company.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still using MWB and have paid for the Premium version.  I just find it interesting how these companies 'compete' in subtle ways.

on Mar 18, 2017

Don't use MWB it itself is a PUP.

Totally unnecessary.

on Mar 19, 2017

itself is a PUP

May well be right about that.

on Mar 19, 2017

MWB is a PUP? Based on?

Doesn't even matter. Anything signature based is outdated the moment it's installed.

Not every virus/trojan etc. behaves the same...so, heuristic AV/AMs won't succeed 100% of the time - it's a losing proposition no matter what.


on Mar 19, 2017


MWB is a PUP? Based on?

Based on flagging/deleting ASC...a proggy I'm entirely happy [read - confident] to run on every system I own.

I don't take kindly to programs that decide FOR ME what I can or cannot use.

That makes MWB very much a PUP.

No different to those wonderful false-positives that Norton loves to always get wrong...to the point where either the insulted companies should sue...or advertise that Norton is ALSO a 'PUP' [and not just a 'POS']...

on Mar 19, 2017

I don't take kindly to programs that decide FOR ME what I can or cannot use.

But that's what AVs do among other things...but you can white list them and then use them as you wish...


on Mar 19, 2017

Doc -

You understand the difference between stopping virii and malware and flagging competing commercial software as unwanted.  I consider the latter just as 'shady' as the alleged activities MWB disapproves of in others.

on Mar 19, 2017

Are they 'alleged' or real? No matter. The point is that you can disagree and use them.

on Mar 19, 2017

I use Malwarebytes Pro.  I have no issues with it.  It can be configured on how it handles PUPs to let the end user decide the correct action.

With regard to software such as Advanced System Care, there are competing opinions as to the relative safety of these products since they directly alter the Registry (they call it Cleaning, how benign).

I would rather educate myself a bit in choosing correct system settings that make sense for my use of my computer than click a button and rely on a software product to do it all for me.

I consider these kind of software products the equivalent of take two pills swallowed with a Big Gulp of Vitamin Enhanced Energy Water and make all the troubles go away mentality so current today.

And while I hear the complaint MWB goes too far in this thread, in my every day use and experience it does not. 

MWB does not solely select a software for being on the PUP list, rather its end users provide feedback to MWB about troublesome products. 

Maybe ASC has de-installation issues and likes to pop-up notices it needs to be re-installed (nag flagging and the like).  I would not know the specifics of why it made it to MWB's PUP list but I am sure that decision was based on user feedback.

If you do not use MWB(@ commenters), why do you complain about it?

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