February 20, 2019 by
Two screenies. I get this when I click on a thread. I thought I was putting up two screenshots but there's no upload button at the SD forums. When I click on a thread I get a blank page with two blue icons at the top left. Usually it indicates an image but nothing shows up.
December 19, 2012 by
Yesterday when I opened FF to mine homepage, WC, where else lol, I saw Frankief's Christmas wall https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/wallpapers/48338/ I said to mineself...self...this is freakin' gorgeous! Anyway...I wanted to say so in the comments but.......all the smilies were gone, and having seen this before, clicked on the submit button and it goes to the top of the page. No submitting reply and no reply period. Testing Christmas 2012.
After I post and click recent posts I see the same person who posted before me again and again. Its supposed to register my post. Wassup!
This only happens here. I tried rolling back to a previous version of FF and I tried clearing the cache and cookies. Nothing has changed. What happened?
Started today. I'm getting this error code saying the site is unavailable when I log in and sometimes when I'm already logged in. Click to change the page and there it is. Twice I had to go to the forums first then log in.