A place to keep my work.
or...who's got the guts
Published on May 23, 2009 By Uvah In WinCustomize Talk

     In keeping with the finest of traditions I attribute to the great skinners of the WC community. I have but a single question. With all the jibe about curried cabbage what would a WB look like if someone would dare make one using the now infamous 'curried cabbage' as a theme. Any takers?

Comments (Page 47)
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on Aug 03, 2010

Don't be silly!!! That's where I keep the curried cabbage cookies.

hmmmmm, now that buggered it, I will now have to find a way better place

Do what the Jones's do. Put them in the cookie jar. He'll never find them in the cookie jar.

I have a another idea  I'll put it  just under a bear trap but the thing is he wont know which one hehehe

on Aug 03, 2010

You are so bad mrs starkers. Hope Harry don't find out cause he'll tell matilda and matilda will tell harriet then harriet will blab to monica and you know monica has a mouth that don't quit (just ask bill) and she'll slurpy durp over to mabel and mabel...well...mabel will be mabel and before ya know it starkers is in the dog house again without even knowing how he got there.

on Aug 03, 2010

You are so bad mrs starkers. Hope Harry don't find out cause he'll tell matilda and matilda will tell harriet then harriet will blab to monica and you know monica has a mouth that don't quit (just ask bill) and she'll slurpy durp over to mabel and mabel...well...mabel will be mabel and before ya know it starkers is in the dog house again without even knowing how he got there.

Ahem.... I always know why I'm in the doghouse.  It has something to do with curried cabbage, a highly relaxed sphincter and odious emanations coming from my shorts. 

What I don't understand, however, is how come I keep getting up with fleas.  


on Aug 03, 2010

Now where did I hide those Keys!!!!!!!!!!

on Aug 05, 2010

The fleas have 'em. They figured it'll drive starkers out of the doghouse and they can fumigate.

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