A place to keep my work.
or...who's got the guts
Published on May 23, 2009 By Uvah In WinCustomize Talk

     In keeping with the finest of traditions I attribute to the great skinners of the WC community. I have but a single question. With all the jibe about curried cabbage what would a WB look like if someone would dare make one using the now infamous 'curried cabbage' as a theme. Any takers?

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on May 28, 2009

Po' pm'd you...wake up!

Start Window: I liked the first one better, but that's just my taste....and if Xiandi figures out how to make the steam jet she was talking about...that might have an application for your masterwork. Mike Bryant made the rocket launch in the start menu...maybe he's tell us how...might help awesome Xiandi as well in her amazing "Pressurized".

I'm having trouble with the scripts on the DX, but getting help. I love the theme and thought it would make an excellent suite all the way around. AVMan was kind enough to give me some assistance on the blind.

The search menu and logoff stuff are probably giving you conniptions...it's a gorgeous Start Window in Occam. Really. Maybe SviZ or _martin_ or Dave could help with the problematic script? Just a dumb idea...


on May 28, 2009

WOW, it looks like this project is really going to take off.... a bit like me when I have close rectal proximity to the ground.

Many, many thanks to Po`, the AVMAN and everyone else who makes a contribution... you're a swell bunch of people and I luvs yer all... in a blokey sort of a way.  And any girls who join in, well I luvs you too... in a purely platonic sort of a way.


on May 28, 2009

Okay, here is what we're going for with the curry cabbage theme.

More to come.

on May 28, 2009

Was he vegan

on May 29, 2009

Was he vegan

Yup, sure was.... so much so, he even wiped his bum with the motley, discarded cabbage leaves that didn't make it into the pot.

Historically, cabbage leaves have been used for a number of applications:

* the Ancient Chinese used them as dressings on injured soldiers war wounds.

* the Indian tribes of the Amazon used them as umbrellas during the wet season.

* the early inhabitants of the Holy Land sewed them together as clothing after Adam and Eve got booted from the Garden of Eden and could no longer access fig leaves.

* the early settlers in outback Oz used to suck the leaves for moisture to save dying of thirst.

* and the early Babylonians used treated cabbage leaves as papyrus/parchment to write down war plans, etc....

It was only when a messenger delivered a message to a general in the field that cabbage became a food... the general was instructed by the Babylonian king to read the message then eat it so the enemy couldn't read the plan of attack.

The rest is history... cabbage is now a staple food, thanks to General Barkalot of Ancient Babylon finding the battle plans rather tasty.


on May 29, 2009

The rest is history... cabbage is now a staple food, thanks to General Barkalot of Ancient Babylon finding the battle plans rather tasty.

A towering dietary achievement...except that the first 'boom' was so traumatic that some say no one could speak nor hear correctly afterwards.

on May 29, 2009

A towering dietary achievement...except that the first 'boom' was so traumatic that some say no one could speak nor hear correctly afterwards.

Yeah, they were speaking Sumerian prior to General Barkalot's thunderous methane monster... but because nobody could hear for a decade or more, nobody spoke, either.  However, one day a lowly peasant discovered that he could hear again and began speaking what he could remember of his own peculiar dialect....Babylonian Sumerian.  Hence, what we know today as Iraqi was born.... all thanks to cabbage.

Now you may ask what significance/relevance this has 5000 years later.  Well the answer is simple, Sumerian in its purest form was a highly complex language that has few modern equivelants, and if Saddam Hussein was speaking it instead, those US troops who found him hiding down the hole would have mistaken him for a formerly extinct Sumerian goat herder who had dug a hole to shelter his flock from sandstorms.... the Kiwi occupational contingent who thought goats were 'close' enough.


on May 29, 2009

A towering dietary achievement...except that the first 'boom' was so traumatic that some say no one could speak nor hear correctly afterwards.


speaking of 'boom' should a wav file be included ala the Fart sound in one of those novelty thingies. Say when the start menu is accessed or a window open or closed or something. Whatcha think?

on May 29, 2009

speaking of 'boom' should a wav file be included ala the Fart sound in one of those novelty thingies. Say when the start menu is accessed or a window open or closed or something. Whatcha think?

Absolutely, a barking boom is essential.... I have ample tunes in varied lengths and tones.... and not none of those phony whoopee cushion sounds, neither.  Mine are the real McCoy/bone-fide/genuine anal barks!  D and E flat are my favourites, but A minor, C sharp, don't matter to me none, I can sound like a rottweiler or a fox terrier, whatever your preference.


Now while BSOD's don't normally have sound, I reckon we need to record one of the sickest sounding, sloppiest farts especially for that occasion... you know, something exceedingly appropriate that reflects the sick feeling you get in your gut when that blue screen rears its ugly head.



on May 29, 2009

Mine are the real M'Coy


on May 30, 2009

It's the "C" sharp thingy. Usually it is followed by a sticky wetness...eeewww!...The kind you thought was but in fact wasn't. Hey...check this out...a .Dream that begins with an innocent _______________ (you fill in the blank) who suddenly stop and realizes it's comin' and...BANG!...is enveloped in a seriously thick, smelly, toxic greenish/brown cloud with red highlights...you get the idea. And as far as potency is concerned consider this. I once emptied a classroom, seriously, with a silent and deadly one after consuming a spicy K of C chicken sandwich. It happened at CTI in Warminster Pa. Embarrassing to say the least.

on May 30, 2009

*Somebody* has a really spiffy avatar!

Wonder who that could be?


on May 30, 2009

Lets ask. Will the real avatar please stand.

on May 30, 2009

*some people* seem to lack personal photos.

on May 30, 2009

They can fake it.

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