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Published on May 2, 2011 By Uvah In Community

Osama Bin Laden is dead. Navy Seal team took him out. May he rot in hell!!!

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on May 02, 2011

Whether one is religious or not, sometimes the Killing of a tyrant/terrorist/mass murderer, is a necessary evil. It is not something to celebrate, One would hope in an enlightened world people would be taught religious/racial, tolerance towards others, he was and is proof that as a world, we have still along way to go towards true peace

Truer words were never spoken.

on May 02, 2011

The US supported the Mujahadin against Russia, and that was ObL's start. He really wasn't heard much from until he espoused the view that the US, because it supported the Naqba (catastrophe = establishment of Israel) is deserving of the terrorist attacks he trained, organized and supported. It infuriated him that infidels stepped on the holy soil (sand) of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. He believed in converting the world to Islam, and putting every non believer who refused Islam to the sword.

Antisemitism was at the root of his distorted and hate filled world view and Fundamentalism. Note the rioting inEast Jerusalem over his termination, and remember well who were dancing in the streets after 9/11.

One lesson, Mr. President: Learn who your friends and enemies are. 

And I beg to differ. When a murderous terrorist is dispatched, there is every reason to celebrate that although late, true justice was seen to be delivered.

When ideology take precedence over human beings and the sacredness of all life, the end result is mass murder.  

on May 02, 2011

Very well stated HG_Eliminator. 

on May 02, 2011

Good riddance.

But I am afraid it changes nothing, just a figurehead which Americans can throw blame.


In contrast Australians really don't care [about theirs]

Love Roo patties

on May 02, 2011

'roo patties: you are one sick cobber, mate.

on May 02, 2011

That son of a bitch got what he deserved. 

But if it were possible, he should die the same number of times as all the lives lost on 9/11.  And then some.

on May 02, 2011

While I want to believe he's gone, I have to wonder.

They have announced this morning that they have confirmed it's him by DNA testing. I was under the impression that DNA testing took longer than 12 hours.

Can anyone weigh in on how long it really takes to get a match. 

on May 02, 2011

CarGuy1, I think the time involved would be based upon if you were comparing a sample against a data base or against a known single sample.  If there was a sample of DNA from a know family member then comparing that against a another sample to see if it matched probably wouldn't take too long.

on May 02, 2011

While I want to believe he's gone, I have to wonder

My worry is why did they dispose of the body so quickly? Something about seems fishy to me...no pun intended.

on May 02, 2011

I think they dispose of the body quickly so there will be no debate on how to handle it. If it lingered on it could of been used as a rally call.

on May 02, 2011

I was under the impression that DNA testing took longer than 12 hours.

It's a safe bet that his check jumped any queue that would normally prolong timing...

on May 02, 2011

“I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.” – Mark Twain.

I think ole Samuel might have reworked that a little if he had been around for Hitler or bin Laden.  Clearly a day to celebrate a victory of Good vs. evil.

on May 02, 2011

Americans are a 'funny' bunch of people who by and large take offense at others

....actually, that pretty well covered it.

on May 02, 2011

i was soo excited when i saw it on the news last night.....and now deeply happy and content.

comupence has come around finally to a truly evil man.

congrats to the US forces who took him out.


on May 03, 2011

     The burial at sea happened because first Saudi Arabia refused his body, he's native to that country, and no one else wanted the remains either. I read that a swift burial is in accordance with Islamic custom, which is fine by me but a sea burial is a sin against the person which is also fine by me. IMO - I think its a good idea to learn more about these people to better understand them. With learning comes understanding and with understanding comes acceptance. Not for the extremists but for the people themselves.

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