A place to keep my work.
I'm glad I don't live there...whew!
Published on August 3, 2012 By Uvah In Everything Else

I've seen transformers explode...frying eggs on the sidewalk, literally, but never this.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 03, 2012

It was a fire that melted the lamps, not "global warming".  The geniuses at Thinkprogress propagated that lie and was picked up by yahoo and other places.

on Aug 03, 2012

Poor WOM.... he had a 110 yesterday. 

Island Dog
It was a fire that melted the lamps, not "global warming".  The geniuses at Thinkprogress propagated that lie and was picked up by yahoo and other places.

Good catch.

*doc thinks this is gonna become the weather for the foreseeable future.   Not good.


on Aug 03, 2012

Island Dog
It was a fire that melted the lamps, not "global warming".  The geniuses at Thinkprogress propagated that lie and was picked up by yahoo and other places.

INdeed, Imperial valley CA regularly gets up to 120 in the summer.  And the only thing that melts are the hearts of young lovers.

on Aug 03, 2012

I lived !7 years in the Nevada desert, where daytime summer temps are well over the temps we are experiencing now in Illinois and elsewhere, and the only thing I saw melting from the heat were tourists.

Back in 1936, the year my mother was born, it was a long, hot summer with record high temps as well. I don't think anyone was screaming about global warming then. Many were just wishing they had electricty on the farm.

I do think the most recent ice age is finally over.


on Aug 03, 2012

It was 113 F back in 1959 when we left Mildura for Melbourne....one of the warmer ends of the cooler states in Oz....

Global Warming isn't about magical temps getting above average...it's about weather in general going to shit.

They are.

Anyone who lives in countries that have REAL issues....[ozone depletion. anyone?] knows damn well it's a reality.

I think the rates of melanoma in Oz are about 80%.

It's a cancer.

You die from cancer.

on Aug 03, 2012

I don't think anyone was screaming about global warming then.

True enough. They also didn't complain about cable.

They were mostly fighting to get out of the Depression... hmmmmm..... history repeating itself?


on Aug 03, 2012

Where I am in NJ and Uvah close by, for me it's not the temperture in the 90's that is so bad it's the high humidity along with it. At 7AM go outside and it just feels like you went into a steam room.

Still better then 20 degrees.

on Aug 03, 2012

Anyone who lives in countries that have REAL issues....[ozone depletion. anyone?] knows damn well it's a reality.

I think the rates of melanoma in Oz are about 80%.

Yes, ozone depletion increases UV radiation levels and therefore skin cancers (of all types). Melanoma ties in more directly to unprotected exposure before age 18 and severe sunburns. Also, more affected are the Australians of Scandinavian origin (fair skin) who spend too much unprotected time in the sun (young people think they are immortal and impervious to harm). That's true for America as well.

on Aug 03, 2012

Yes, ozone depletion increases UV radiation levels and therefore skin cancers (of all types). Melanoma ties in more directly to unprotected exposure before age 18 and severe sunburns. Also, more affected are the Australians of Scandinavian origin (fair skin) who spend too much unprotected time in the sun (young people think they are immortal and impervious to harm). That's true for America as well.

Doc...in Oz the time scale is 20 minutes..... and you are fried.

20 minutes.

Not baking like a brain-dead moron [sea weed] for hours on end....20 minutes.


That was not the case...back 'in the day'.

on Aug 03, 2012

Yep, I lived in the Mojave Desert in California from 1977 until 1981 and it regularly got hotter than that and nothing melted except the ice cubes in my drink. Heck, even the scorpion's, gila monsters and black widow spiders were walking on the asphalt with no problems! Really low humidity there for sure though.

Want to hear a good one though?  In July of 1978 we got 6 inches of snow! Since then there has been a time when they got almost two ffet of snow. I guess it snows there every so often, and that is really crazy ...

on Aug 03, 2012

Last time I laid bricks it was 46c.......


I must get out there and finish them.....

on Aug 03, 2012

LOL... we agree. Also we agree about the sea weed.

Ozone layer depletion by man is a major contributor to skin cancer. Back in 2011 I remember some talk of the layer 'healing'... and that it was worst over the poles. Things may well have shifted since then.

Maybe there's a market opportunity for ozone generating clothing? Until then, I'd stay covered up.

It's a terrible curse in Australia - so blessed with [clothing optional] stunning beaches.

on Aug 03, 2012

Arizona has been cooler than normal lately. Though that will change next week.

on Aug 03, 2012

what is ozone generating clothing going to do? you don't want ozone where you are.. you want it up there.

if you want it down here... just turn on a load of photocopying machine.

on Aug 03, 2012

I know about the fire but it was unusual in itself so...I posted it. Sparked a good conversation too.

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