Tonight between 2am and 4am (Saturday in the early am), weather permitting North America has a front row seat for this first time meteor shower. Up to 1000 an hour can not be discounted quoting the article. Its cloudy out there.
Won't be seeing anything here is New Mexico, overcast with thunderstorms.
If you can't see them, maybe you'll get a few bigger chunks that you can go outside and catch. Since it is a first time event, don't give up just yet, the sky may be falling!
P.S. You might want to wear a hat, just in case......or if you prefer to watch from indoors........
I'm hoping the clouds continue to break up. It'll be a first! Also...I'm hoping I can stay up that long. Lol
Just think boogey man under the bed and use matchsticks to prop up your eyelids... should do the trick until it's all over.
Between 2 and 4 am! Yeah right, I'll stay up for that.
Just think boogey man under the bed and use matchsticks to prop up your eyelids... should do the trick for this once in a lifetime event of most spectacular proportions.
Its okay. I got up an hour ago and missed it, too cloudy still. Checking out slooh.
Was up for it due to my job, which involves looking at the sky. Don't think you guys missed much.