A place to keep my work.
rock on...ha ha
Published on March 20, 2018 By Uvah In Community

on Mar 20, 2018

The timing of this post astonishes me. This video is in my history on YouTube from just yesterday; something I'd not watched or thought of since childhood. lol


on Mar 20, 2018

I do remember this (showing my age).

Funny seeing this,  just the other day someone sent me this. It's not the Fraggles but it's still the muppets.

on Mar 21, 2018

I do remember both Fraggle Rock and the original Muppets Show.... not that I saw too much of either show due to working away from home a lot in those days

I also remember this.... was my younger brother's fave cartoon back in the day....

on Mar 21, 2018

it should be a 80's cartoon picture

on Mar 21, 2018


it should be a 80's cartoon picture

Maybe for you young pups.  We old farts like to remember stuff from way back when..... shows we still got working grey matter and some cognitive skills.  Yup, rememberin' old [even some new] shit at our age is an enormous feat of brain power.

Now what was I just talkin' about?