An hour after I booted my laptop it decides to shut down. Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to shut down. Ok, no problem. I open up MalwareBytes and start a full scan. Two minutes into the scan and my Laptop does it again. WTF #1. I wait for it to boot up and open MalwareBytes again. And again it shuts down two minutes into the scan. WTF #2. Eff this, I open up Comodo. Update the signatures then did a full scan now in progress. My laptop has not shut down. Clearly the version of MalwareBytes (the freebie) that I have got stomped on. I refuse to give it up so I'm gonna do this. Since I've already canceled my sub with Photoshop, I rarely used it, I'll use those bucks for the paid version of MalwareBytes. Could Windows latest foray into updates cause this? Maybe. I have read that some have had this problem. That it only happened with MalwareBytes is of some concern I think.
Thank you,
Best regards,
And all that good stuff.