A place to keep my work.
Looks cool to me...
Published on October 12, 2018 By Uvah In Everything Else

on Oct 12, 2018

Well that's just a little scary. 

on Oct 13, 2018

I'd be more impressed if they could do all my yard work for me. It looks like this one could get there before too long.

on Oct 13, 2018

At the Caltech Alumni Seminar day last May I attended a presentation where a professor described that latest video from Boston Dynamics showing their robot do a back flip.  He then showed multiple videos of the same robot failing at that and similar tasks that Boston Dynamics had chosen not to share with the press.  The one that sticks in my memory was the complete inability of the robot to handle uneven or soft terrain.  Standing on sand, the robot could not even complete a single step without falling over.  They have a long way to go to make it handle realistic conditions.

on Oct 13, 2018

Have to deal with many human robots now. So not to worried about a man made one. A man made one would most likely have more sense than the present human ones.